Hello listeners and welcome to Fighting Failure, the podcast where we discuss solutions to the climate crisis. I am Hisham as many of you know, and I will be your host for this episode. Oscar was unavailable to record today, but he is eternally with us in spirit...and in editorial power. (evil laugh) I can almost hear him speaking to me through the editorial power (cue Oscar whispering “just start already” [edited in]). BUT today we have a very special guest...my understudy Taran. Everyone, please welcome Taran. (clapping)

And he did a spectacular job filling in for me on the Palm Oil episode hosted by Sandhya. Anyway, today is going to be all about the pollutants. The pollutants are all generally anthropogenic problems. This means that they are all human caused. We have already looked into some of these pollutants in prior episodes, and you definitely know them from around.

So, why don’t we start on the problems:


Air pollution

Air pollution is the most dense in urban areas. Oftentimes, the buildings, trap the air pollution, leading to what is commonly known as “smog” - a word combination of smoke and fog - that is visible in the air, and causes a hazy, obstructed sight.

Plastic pollution

Probably the most well-known and guilty types of pollution, as a result of how immediate, visible, and publicized the threats are.

Oil pollution

Noise pollution and light pollution