
Hello listeners and welcome to Fighting Failure. This is the last episode of Season 3: Material World; and just as an advance warning, we’ll be taking a break over the festive season before returning with an all-new season in January 2023.

In this episode we’re going to be talking about Christmas, and how its modern incarnation contributes massively to the consumerism problem that we’ve been discussing in this section.

I’m your host for this episode, Hisham Kanaan

And I’m your co-host, Oscar Archibald

Good things about Christmas


  1. In the UK, household waste (primarily solid domestic waste) usually increases by about 30% in the festive season.
    1. Packaging for products
  2. 3000 tonnes of turkey packaging go to waste each holiday season!
  3. 75 million edible mince pies are thrown out each year.
    1. Just today I had my Christmas rowing erg regatta, and there were probably 50 uneaten mince pies left on the table, which will inevitably be thrown out
    2. Are mince pies even good??
  4. 60 million unwanted presents are given each year.
  5. About 49% of all Christmas shopping is performed online
    1. Makes it even more tokenistic
  6. according to business waste UK, “The amount of Christmas plastic packaging that was placed in the general waste bin instead of the recycling bin in 2018 was estimated at 114,000 tonnes.”
